My Life

I hope that you like my page

Sunday, January 2, 2011

fruit salad dressing

this is how to make my fruit salad dressing:

two tsp lemon juice have making an enjoy
1/4 tsp lemon zest
two tsp orange juice
1/4 tsp orange zest
one Tsp honey(optional)
one serving orange cream yogurt
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
one Tsp strawberry jelly
one can pineapple juice

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Truly beautiful, both inside and out. She laughs a lot and is always there for you, willing to listen and help. Rebecca is someone everyone likes from the beginning. You just have to look at her and you know she's an interesting and friendly person. She's very determined to make the best of her life and is charmingly competitive at certain things. She's great fun to be around and always makes you feel happy.
Rebecca is the best friend anyone could have. Once you get to know her you hope she'll be your friend forever.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My brothers

Some of you might know the story about Cameron and some of you might not. This is the story: A few months ago my moms friend moved to Kansas City and Cameron moved in with my moms other friends. He goes to Oak hills and they do not live in that district. So he moved in with us. It has been a few months and it relly fells like hes my brother. He is my brother Jonathan's best friend.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009



My consins came to town a cupel of days ago and left sunday and I miss them alot. I love them alot I can't wait for them to come back.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

summer camp

One summer, my friend Seth and I went to a camp in Hamilton, Ohio. I was so excited on the drive

there. Mom and dad walked with me to my cabin and helped me get settled. They then said good bye and

hugged and kissed me. I was a little nervous knowing I wouldn’t see them for a few days, but I was happy

to be at camp for the first time.

As mom and dad were leaving, a girl walked in with her parents. When her parents left, we said hi to

each other and began talking. Her name is Joanna and I found out that she is funny, she loves animals-

just like me!, and this is her second time at this camp. She says she will show me around. We walk outside

and run into Seth and his new friend, John. Seth told me that John likes to tell jokes, swim, and that this is

his second time at camp also.

We all decide to explore the campsite together. Our first stop is the messhall, this is where we will eat.

It is a long building with many round tables. There are adults cooking tonights dinner and we say hi to

them. We continue on our tour and head over to see the horses. There are a few people brushing and

feeding the horses and they ask if we would like to pet them. Of course we do!! My favorite is a white

horse named Bella. I got to feed her a sugar cube. I hope to get ride her sometime in the next few days .

Next we check out the swimming pool and then head to the river.

While by the river we hear a horn blow. Seth tells us “It must be time to meet the counselors and

camp staff.” We run up the hill to where the camp fires will take place. We see others gathering there.

Within a few minutes everyone is there and the counselors are introducing themselves and the rest of the

Workers. They tell us the rules and what we can expect the next few days. We head back to our cabins

with our counselors to get to know each other better and discuss the activities we would like to do over the

next few days. My counselors name is Virginia. I tell her I want to do dance, drama, horseback riding, and

water skiing. Virginia tells us she is excited we are there and knows we will all have a wonderful time. We

then hear the dinner bell.

Joanna and I find Seth and John and grab a table. Dinner tonight is hamburgers, hot dogs, curly fries,

carrot sticks and fruit kabobs. We could have lemonade or water to drink. We eat, tell stories, and laugh.

I have made 2 new friends and really enjoy being with them.

By the time dinner was over and the messhall was cleaned up, it was dark. We headed outside and

saw everyone heading to the camp fire. At the camp fire we sing songs, tell stories and roast

marshmallows. Everyone seems to be getting tired and people start heading to their cabins. Lights out is at

10:30 and Joanna, Seth, John and I stay by the fire as long as possible. I know it will be hard to fall asleep

with the excitement of tomorrow.

I am awakened by the sound of a horn. Shortly after the horn, Virginia came in to make sure we were

up and getting dressed. The first thing on the agenda today is a mile hike. We work up an appetite for

breakfast! After breakfast we break into groups for our activities. Joanna and I go to dance, Seth and John

are headed off to canoe.

In dance class we learned basic steps of hip hop dance. The teacher is a professional dancer and had us

working very hard! After 2 hours of dance class it was off to drama class. It was nice to sit down and

relax a little. Drama was fun and we are working on a play to put on the last night of camp.

It was finally time for lunch!

After lunch we head back to our cabins for an hour to rest and hang out with our new friends.

After we rest we go to our next activity. Joanna and I went to horseback riding. At horseback riding I got

to ride Bella! After horseback riding we went to water skiing. Our teacher is the best.

When we were finished water skiing we went back to are cabins to get dressed. Then it was time for

dinner. It was not dark when dinner was over so we stayed in the messhall for 30 minutes. Then it was dark

so we went out for the camp fire.

The next day was basically the same as yesterday except something unusual happened. Seth, John,

Joanna,and I were outside and saw something in the sky. As the object got closer, we realized it was a

parachuter. He landed right in the middle of our camp!

He unhooked himself and asked “Where am I?” We said “you are at camp”. “Were did you what to

be?” I asked. “At my house” he said. “Where do you live?” asked Seth. “Oxford Ohio” he said. “We will

get one of the camp counselors.” John and Joanna said.

John and Joanna run and get Todd, one of the boys counselors. He introduces himself to the parachuter,

whose name is Willie. “Are you o.k? And would you like me to take you home?” asks Todd.

Willie assures us he is fine and that yes, he would like a ride home. Todd runs to tell the others and get his

car keys. Willie says goodbye and meets Todd in the parking lot.

The last day of camp was great. Everyone’s parents came for a cookout and to watch our play.

The play is called “The Singing Lion and his Best Friend” Seth is the lion and I am the best friend.

Everyone had a great time. We said our goodbyes and gathered all of our things and headed to the car.

Joanna and I gave each other a big hug and exchanged phone numbers. It was good to be going home, but

sad to be leaving camp and Joanna.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009